A portal to unique personal marketing genius, ‘Your Career Marketing Plan’ simulates the marketing planning process of the business world for boosting your career. Progressing your career doesn’t necessarily require tremendous skill, but it does require that you plan ahead so you can navigate through the complexities, challenges and changing environments of the workplace  more easily than others who are typically left defeated and wondering how to overcome their situation.

The Formula For A Successful, Fulfilling & Inspiring Career

Instead of craving praise and acceptance from your superiors, it is important to become self-confident. This book teaches the importance of focusing on your strengths, looking past your competition and understanding how to deal with intricate scenarios. With the chaos surrounding our professional lives, we forget to seek joy, fulfillment or meaning within our livelihoods, directing ourselves to lead meaningless existences. By helping you to dream big and find direction, ‘Your Career Marketing Plan’ empowers you to follow your passion and set goals that will see you drastically alter and better yourself as a person because of the skills you adopt.

Trying to predict future events takes time and energy, both of which could be utilized in a much more effective way. Settling for mediocrity or complacency with the status quo will leave you behind the competition as it races ahead to the finish line and reaps all the rewards. This book will stir change within you and empower you to take up greater challenges, helping you to lead a fuller life that inspires others. You will market yourself the way a company markets itself, free of all the feedback from superiors, peers, competitors and others who will only drag you down.

‘Your Career Marketing Plan’ enables you to translate your vision into reality, offering  you fresh ideas and awareness of possible new scenarios and experiences You will learn the tricks of marketing that you can apply as you venture down your career path. This book offers a truly unique experience that will take you on an extraordinary journey. Through ‘Your Career Marketing Plan,’ you can expand your horizons, create your own understanding of success, and create a  roadmap  to completely revitalizing your chances of succeeding in the professional marketplace.


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